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Original music for Gorogoa, developed by Jason Roberts and published by Annapurna Interactive. Gorogoa’s OST weaves together music crafted for each location in the game into an ambient experience. Featuring a variety of handmade sounds and unconventional themes, each piece is designed to capture the emotions of Gorogoa’s environments and story in ways both unexpected and unique.
Read Kotaku's feature.
Read polygon.com's writeup.
Original music for Gorogoa, developed by Jason Roberts and published by Annapurna Interactive. Gorogoa’s OST weaves together music crafted for each location in the game into an ambient experience. Featuring a variety of handmade sounds and unconventional themes, each piece is designed to capture the emotions of Gorogoa’s environments and story in ways both unexpected and unique.
OST On Spotify:
Video about the musical structure of Gorogoa:
Apple's Best iPad app of the year, 2018

IGN's video review, featuring the credits / finale track from the game:
Read polygon.com's writeup.