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11 original pieces composed for Hohokum to accompany music from Ghostly International. Published by Sony Computer Entertainment America and developed by Honeyslug. Released 8/12/14.

Reveal stinger:

Reveal stinger, extended into full-length track for the OST, out on Ghostly International, featuring Gia Margaret on vocals:

Music for the corridor spaces in the game:

The music of Hohokum:

Official Site

2025 / Chicago, IL

joel [at] joelcorelitz [dot] comstudio312-436-2161
Joel Corelitz

believes technology has a soul and music & sound design are part of the same thing. He creates emotional, design driven scores by fusing music and sound design into a unified audio experience centered around texture and mood.

He also runs Waveplant, an audio consulting agency focused on immersive audio and sonic branding. More ︎︎︎