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Halo Infinite
Composition of the score for Halo Infinite's campaign, and multiplayer modes, and continued compositional support of multiplayer seasons. I also composed the 323 Industries audio logo & Halo’s musical item pickup sounds.
I wouldn’t be a composer if it weren’t for video game music, and I wouldn’t have been exposed to video game music if I hadn’t grown up playing games. And I’ve been playing Halo since the beginning. I’m pretty sure the Halo 2 disc never left my original Xbox once I got it - it’s probably still there! Same thing with Halo 3 on the 360. I remember hearing those iconic themes and being awestruck at how much power the music had in shaping my experience as a player and thinking - “this is what I want to do.” So it’s hard to express in words so many years later what realizing that dream means to me. It feels like coming home - to the genre and series that inspired me to do what I do. I’ve tried to stay true to Halo’s original spirit, while infusing the score with the kinds of rich, complex, electronic sounds I love to work with. I hope my contributions to Halo Infinite’s soundtrack remind fans of Halo’s legacy while taking it into the future.
Halo Infinite
Composition of the score for Halo Infinite's campaign, and multiplayer modes, and continued compositional support of multiplayer seasons. I also composed the 323 Industries audio logo & Halo’s musical item pickup sounds.
I wouldn’t be a composer if it weren’t for video game music, and I wouldn’t have been exposed to video game music if I hadn’t grown up playing games. And I’ve been playing Halo since the beginning. I’m pretty sure the Halo 2 disc never left my original Xbox once I got it - it’s probably still there! Same thing with Halo 3 on the 360. I remember hearing those iconic themes and being awestruck at how much power the music had in shaping my experience as a player and thinking - “this is what I want to do.” So it’s hard to express in words so many years later what realizing that dream means to me. It feels like coming home - to the genre and series that inspired me to do what I do. I’ve tried to stay true to Halo’s original spirit, while infusing the score with the kinds of rich, complex, electronic sounds I love to work with. I hope my contributions to Halo Infinite’s soundtrack remind fans of Halo’s legacy while taking it into the future.
Campaign Soundtrack on Spotify:
"Through the Trees", from the OST:
Multiplayer Season 2 Opening Cinematic:
323 Industries Audio Logo:
8-Bit arrangements of classic Halo Tracks that are in-game as easter eggs:
"Through the Trees", from the OST:
Multiplayer Season 2 Opening Cinematic:
323 Industries Audio Logo:
8-Bit arrangements of classic Halo Tracks that are in-game as easter eggs:
Multiplayer Soundtrack on Spotify:
Score to Cinematic intro to Multiplayer:
Multiplayer Season 2 Opening Cinematic:
Musical Item Stingers:
Score to Cinematic intro to Multiplayer:
Multiplayer Season 2 Opening Cinematic:
Musical Item Stingers: